  HOME San Gemini Preservation Studies - San Gemini Historic Archives Project  
      Historic Documents - San Gemini and Carsulae  


This website is dedicated to the history of the City of San Gemini and the nearby ancient city of Carsulae located in the Italian region of Umbria. The site contains documents and other information relevant to the history of the cities. Among these are digitized documents from the Historic Archives of the City of San Gemini, the Historic Archive of the City of Stroncone and the Historic Archives of the Dioceses of Terni, Narni and Amelia. Also included are articles and thesis that treat the history of these cities.

All the materials in this website are available for online consultation free of charge for the purpose of personal study; any other uses of this material must be consistent with Italian law regarding State Archives, the rules and regulations of the Archivio Storico Comune di San Gemini, the Historic Archive of the City of Stroncone, the Historic Archives of the Dioceses of Terni, Narni and Amelia and the conditions set by any individuals or organization holding the copy right to other documents published in this website.

This website is part of an ongoing project, The San Gemini and Narni Archives Project, being carried out and sponsored by the San Gemini Preservation Studies and by Valorizazione del Patrimonio Storico San Gemini. The goals of this project are: the material restoration of historic archival material in the city of San Gemini and in the archives of the now extinguished Dioceses of Narni, to carry out conservative measures in the San Gemini Archives, and to digitize the documents of the ASCSG in order to make them accessible on line.

  San Gemini Preservation Studies   Nota: Questo sito web si trova in stato di allestimento ed alcune elementi non sono finiti o collegati.  


Giovedì 14 Giugno 2018 ore 18:30
San Gemini, Italia

Una conferenza di Antonietta Leonardi

San Gemini Durante il Cancellierato di Giovanni di Lodovico 1388-1389

La manifestazione è aperta al pubblico gratuitamente

International Institute
for Restoration and Preservation Studies

203 Seventh Ave. Brooklyn NY 11215, USA http://sangeministudies.org


Comune di San Gemini

Archivio Storico Comune di
San Gemin

Archivistica per

Associazione Valorizzazione del Patrimonio Storico San Gemini

Vicolo Gelli 20 - 05029
San Gemini (TR)
Tel. e fax 0744/331085

Il diritto d'autore a tutti I documenti storici e moderni pubblicati in questo sito sono di proprieta degli enti o delle persone cosi indicate sui documenti o le loro pagine introduttive. Il diritto d'autore a tutte le altre pagine, disegni e documenti nel sito sono del International Institute for Restoration and Preservation Studies LLC. L'uso dei documenti  pubblici  e privati pubblicati in questo sito va fatto secondo le condizioni stabilite dai proprietari e dalla legge Italiana.

/ Engl.

All historical or modern documents published on this website belong to the holders of the copyright as indicated on the document or their title pages; the copyrights to the reaming pages, drawings and documents on the website belong to the International Institute for Restoration and Preservation Studies LLC. The use of all public or private records in this site must follow the conditions set by the owners and by Italian law.